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5Cs of onboarding

From clear communication to fostering a company’s culture, this blog explores the five essential “C’s” that companies should prioritise when welcoming new employees.

Onboarding employees is like building a foundation for a towering skyscraper. Just as a strong foundation is necessary to support a tall building, a well-planned onboarding process is essential for enhancing the employee experience. Without the proper support and resources in place, new employees can feel lost and disengaged, ultimately leading to a shaky and unstable structure. 

This blog will explore the 5C’s of onboarding – Compliance, Clarification, Culture, Connection and Check-ins – and how they can help build a solid foundation for a successful onboarding and provide a fulfilling employee experience.

What are the 5Cs of employee onboarding?

1. Compliance

The first “C” of onboarding is compliance. Compliance ensures new employees complete all necessary paperwork and training to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. This includes completing employment contracts, tax forms, and any required background checks and providing training on workplace safety, anti-harassment policies, data security, and other necessary compliance issues. Compliance is essential to protect the organisation from legal and financial risks but can also overwhelm new employees. To streamline the compliance process, consider using a digital solution like Wrkr READY to simplify the process, reduce the administrative burden on HR teams, and enable new employees to finish their onboarding quickly. If you are interested to learn more about Wrkr READY, book a free demo here.

2. Clarification

The second “C” of onboarding is clarification. Clarification refers to setting clear expectations for the new employee’s role, responsibilities, and performance expectations. This includes providing a detailed job description, outlining performance metrics, and establishing goals for the first 90 days. Clarification is essential to help new employees understand their roles and align their efforts with the company’s objectives. To clarify expectations, provide new employees with a clear onboarding plan and schedule regular check-ins to adjust expectations.

3. Culture

The third “C” of onboarding is culture. Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and behaviours that define an organisation. It is crucial to ensure that new employees understand the company’s culture and feel a sense of belonging within the organisation. This can be achieved by providing a detailed company history, introducing new employees to key stakeholders, and providing opportunities to connect with colleagues. Assign a mentor or buddy to help new employees navigate the organisation and provide support during onboarding.

4. Connection

The fourth “C” of onboarding is connection. Connection refers to the relationships new employees build with colleagues and the organisation as a whole. Building connections is vital to creating a sense of community and increasing employee engagement. To foster connections and provide opportunities for new employees to meet with colleagues, attend social events, and participate in team-building activities. Encourage open communication and provide forums for feedback and discussion.

5. Check-in

The fifth and final “C” of onboarding is check-in. Check-in refers to the ongoing support and feedback provided to new employees during their first few months on the job. Regular check-ins can help new employees adjust to their roles, provide feedback on performance, and address any concerns or challenges. To ensure effective check-ins, establish clear communication channels, provide feedback on performance metrics, and identify areas for improvement. Regular check-ins can also help new employees feel supported and valued within the organisation.

By focusing on the 5C’s of onboarding – compliance, clarification, culture, connection, and check-in – you can create an effective and efficient onboarding process that sets new employees up for success. Investing time and effort into onboarding can improve employee retention, increase productivity, and foster a positive company culture.